On Sun, 5 Aug 2001 00:30:03 -0700 (PDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Hi Randall,
>I believe the behavior is correct - you have 2 contexts with the same
>docbase ( one defined in a config file, one automatically ). 

So is there a way to turn off the creation of that automatic context?

I'd also like a way to say "If a Context tag is defined then do not also generate an 
automatic context".

I'd also like a way to say "Only generate contexts for those which are explicitly 
defined with a Context tag". 

Is either of these possible now?

>They are
>completely independent of each other ( you can look into work and you'll
>see one work dir for each ). If you write a simple test servlet, you'll
>see the 2 contexts have different ServletContext objects, and behave like
>2 separate webapps.

Its certainly neat that this is possible. One could customize the same WAR to run in 
two contexts with two different sets of properties.

>The same thing would happen if you copy or do a (symbolic)link between 2
>dirs in /webapps, or you add 2 app-XXX.xml files pointing to the same
>BTW, thanks for investigating this :-)

You're quite welcome. I really like the apps-XXX.xml feature btw. 


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