craigmcc    01/08/16 16:21:25

  Modified:    webapps/tomcat-docs index.xml project.xml
  Added:       webapps/tomcat-docs manager-howto.xml
  Add a HOW-TO doc for the Manager web application (motivated by
  Christopher's SSL HOW-TO and a couple of questions on TOMCAT-USER today).
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.7       +5 -1      jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/index.xml
  Index: index.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/index.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision 1.7
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.7
  --- index.xml 2001/08/16 20:21:54     1.6
  +++ index.xml 2001/08/16 23:21:25     1.7
  @@ -62,7 +62,11 @@
       - Reference manual that documents all available elements and attributes
         that may be placed into a Tomcat 4 <code>conf/server.xml</code> file.
  -<li><a href="ssl-howto.html"><strong>SSL HOW-TO</strong></a> - Installing and
  +<li><a href="manager-howto.html"><strong>Manager App HOW-TO</strong></a> -
  +    Operating the <code>Manager</code> web app to deploy, undeploy, and
  +    redeploy applications while Tomcat is running.</li>
  +<li><a href="ssl-howto.html"><strong>SSL Configuration HOW-TO</strong></a> -
  +    Installing and
       configuring SSL support so that your Tomcat will serve requests using
       the <code>https</code> protocol.</li>
  1.7       +2 -1      jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/project.xml
  Index: project.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/project.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision 1.7
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.7
  --- project.xml       2001/08/16 20:21:54     1.6
  +++ project.xml       2001/08/16 23:21:25     1.7
  @@ -24,7 +24,8 @@
       <menu name="Administrators">
           <item name="Config. Reference"     href="config/index.html"/>
  -        <item name="SSL HOW-TO"            href="ssl-howto.html"/>
  +        <item name="Manager App HOW-TO"    href="manager-howto.html"/>
  +        <item name="SSL Config HOW-TO"     href="ssl-howto.html"/>
       <menu name="Application Developers">
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/manager-howto.xml
  Index: manager-howto.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document [
    <!ENTITY project SYSTEM "project.xml">
          <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Craig R. McClanahan</author>
          <title>Manager App HOW-TO</title>
  <section name="Introduction">
  <p>In many production environments, it is very useful to have the capability
  to deploy a new web application, or undeploy an existing one, without having
  to shut down and restart the entire container.  In addition, you can request
  an existing application to reload itself, even if you have not declared it
  to be <code>reloadable</code> in the Tomcat 4 server
  configuration file.</p>
  <p>To support these capabilities, Tomcat 4 includes a web application
  (installed by default on context path <code>/manager</code>) that supports
  the following functions:</p>
  <li>Deploy a new web application, on a specified context path, from a
      specified directory or WAR file pathname.</li>
  <li>List the currently deployed web applications, as well as the
      sessions that are currently active for those web apps.</li>
  <li>Cause an existing application to be reloaded.</li>
  <li>Undeploy an existing web application.</li>
  <li>Stop an existing application (so that it becomes unavailable), but
      do not undeploy it.</li>
  <li>Start a stopped application (thus making it available again).</li>
  <p>Since <code>Manager</code> is itself a web application, it interacts with
  you using standard HTTP requests and responses.  However, it's "user interface"
  is minimal, because it is intended to be accessed from scripts set up by the
  system administrator.  For this reason, commands are given as part of the
  request URI, and responses are in the form of simple text that can be easily
  parsed and processed.</p>
  <p>Future versions of Tomcat 4 will include administrative functionality that
  is presented in (at least) the following forms:</p>
  <li>As web services, so that Tomcat administration can be easily integrated
      into remote and/or non-Java mnagement environments.</li>
  <li>As a web application with a nice user interface (built on top of the
      web services processing layer) for easy Tomcat administration via a
      web browser.</li>
  <section name="Configuring Manager Application Access">
  <p>It would be quite unsafe to ship Tomcat with default settings that allowed
  anyone on the Internet to execute the Manager application on your server.
  Therefore, the Manager application is shipped with the requirement that anyone
  who attempts to use it must authenticate themselves, using a username and
  password that have the role <strong>manager</strong> associated with them.
  Further, there is no username in the default users file
  (<conf>$CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml</conf>) that is assigned this
  role.  Therefore, access to the Manager application is completely disabled
  by default.</p>
  <p>To enable access to the Manager web application, you must either create
  a new username/password combination and associate the role name
  <strong>manager</strong> with it, or add the <strong>manager</strong> role
  to some existing username/password combination.  Exactly where this is done
  depends on which <code>Realm</code> implementation you are using:</p>
  <li><em>MemoryRealm</em> - If you have not customized your
      <code>$CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml</code> to select a different one,
      Tomcat 4 defaults to an XML-format file stored at
      <code>$CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml</code>, which can be
      edited with any text editor.  This file contains an XML
      <code>&lt;user&gt;</code> for each individual user, which might
      look something like this:
  &lt;user name="craigmcc" password="secret" roles="standard,admin"&gt;
      which defines the username and password used by this individual to
      log on, and the role names he or she is associated with.  You can
      add the <strong>manager</strong> role to the comma-delimited
      <code>roles</code> attriute for one or more existing users, and/or
      create new users with that assigned role.</li>
  <li><em>JDBCRealm</em> - Your user and role information is stored in
      a database accessed via JDBC.  Add the <strong>manager</strong> role
      to one or more existing users, and/or create one or more new users
      with this role assigned, following the standard procedures for your
  <li><em>JNDIRealm</em> - Your user and role information is stored in
      a directory server accessed via LDAP.  Add the <strong>manager</strong>
      role to one or more existing users, and/or create one or more new users
      with this role assigned, following the standard procedures for your
  <p>The first time you attempt to issue one of the Manager commands
  described in the next section, you will be challenged to logn on, using
  BASIC authentication.  The username and password you enter do not matter,
  as long as they identify a valid user in the users database who possesses
  the role <strong>manager</strong>.</p>
  <section name="Supported Manager Commands">
  <p>All commands that the Manager application knows how to process are
  specified in a single request URI like this:</p>
  <p>where <code>{host}</code> and <code>{port}</code> represent the hostname
  and port number on which Tomcat is running, <code>{command}</code>
  represents the Manager command you wish to execute, and
  <code>{parameters}</code> represents the query parameters
  that are specific to that command.  In the illustrations below, customize
  the host and port appropriately for your installation.</p>
  <p>Most commands accept one or more of the following query parameters:</p>
  <li><strong>path</strong> - The context path (including the leading slash)
      of the web application you are dealing with.  To select the ROOT web
      application, specify a zero-length string.  <strong>NOTE</strong> -
      It is not possible to perform administrative commands on the
      Manager application itself.</li>
  <li><strong>war</strong> - URL of a web application archive (WAR) file,
      or pathname of a directory, that contains the web application.
      You can use URLs in any of the following formats:
      <li><strong>file:/absolute/path/to/a/directory</strong> - The absolute
          path of a directory that contains the unpacked version of a web
          application.  This directory will be attached to the context path
          you specify without any changes.</li>
      <li><strong>jar:file:/absolute/path/to/a/warfile.war!/</strong> - The
          URL to a local web application archive (WAR) file.  You can use any
          syntax that is valid for the <code>JarURLConnection</code> class
          for reference to an entire JAR file.</li>
      <li><strong>jar:http://hostname:port/path/to/a/warfile.war!/</strong> -
          You can also deploy web applications from a remote JAR file.  You can
          use any syntax that is valid for the <code>JarURLConnection</code>
          class for reference to an entire JAR file.</li>
  <p>Each command will return a response in <code>text/plain</code> format
  (i.e. plain ASCII with no HTML markup), making it easy for both humans and
  programs to read).  The first line of the response wil begin with either
  <code>OK</code> or <code>FAIL</code>, indicating whether the requested
  command was successful or not.  In the case of failure, the rest of the first
  line will contain a description of the problem that was encountered.  Some
  commands include additional lines of information as described below.</p>
  <p><em>Internationalization Note</em> - The Manager application looks up
  its message strings in resource bundles, so it is possible that the strings
  have been translated for your platform.  The examples below show the English
  version of the messages.</p>
  <subsection name="Deploy A New Application">
  <p>Install and start a new web application, attached to the specified context
  path (which must not be in use by any other web application).  The
  <code>war</code> parameter specifies a URL (including the <code>file:</code>
  scheme) for either a directory or a web application archive (WAR) file.</p>
  <p>If installation and startup is successful, you will receive a response
  like this:</p>
  OK - Installed application at context path /foo
  <p>Otherwise, the response will start with <code>FAIL</code> and include an
  error message.  Possible causes for problems include:</p>
  <li><em>Application already exists at path /foo</em>
      <p>The context paths for all currently running web applications must be
      unique.  Therefore, you must either undeploy the existing web application
      using this context path, or choose a different context path for the
      new one.</p>
  <li><em>Document base does not exist or is not a readable directory</em>
      <p>The URL specified by the <code>war</code> parameter must identify a
      directory on this server that contains the "unpacked" version of a
      web application, or the absolute URL of a web application archive (WAR)
      file that contains this application.  Correct the value specified by
      the <code>war</code> parameter.</p>
  <li><em>Encountered exception</em>
      <p>An exception was encountered trying to start the new web application.
      Check the Tomcat 4 logs for the details, but likely explanations include
      problems parsing your <code>/WEB-INF/web.xml</code> file, or missing
      classes encountered when initializing application event listeners and
  <li><em>Invalid application URL was specified</em>
      <p>The URL for the directory or web application that you specified
      was not valid.  Such URLs must start with <code>file:</code>, and URLs
      for a WAR file must end in ".war".</p>
  <li><em>Invalid context path was specified</em>
      <p>The context path must start with a slash character, unless you are
      referencing the ROOT web application -- in which case the context path
      must be a zero-length string.</p>
  <li><em>No context path was specified</em>
      The <code>path</code> parameter is required.
  <subsection name="List Currently Deployed Applications">
  <p>List the context paths, current status (<code>running</code> or
  <code>stopped</code>), and number of active sessions for all currently
  deployed web applications.  A typical response immediately after starting
  Tomcat might look like this:</p>
  OK - Listed applications for virtual host localhost
  <subsection name="Reload An Existing Application">
  <p>Signal an existing application to shut itself down and reload.  This can
  be useful when you've recompiled classes on an application that is not
  configured with the <code>reloadable="true"</code> attribute in its
  <code>&lt;Context&gt;</code> entry in
  <code>$CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml</code>, or when you've made other
  changes (such as to <code>conf/web.xml</code>) that are not automatically
  recognized by Tomcat.</p>
  <p>If this command succeeds, you will see a response like this:</p>
  OK - Reloaded application at context path /examples
  <p>Otherwise, the response will start with <code>FAIL</code> and include an
  error message.  Possible causes for problems include:</p>
  <li><em>Encountered exception</em>
      <p>An exception was encountered trying to restart the web application.
      Check the Tomcat 4 logs for the details.</p>
  <li><em>Invalid context path was specified</em>
      <p>The context path must start with a slash character, unless you are
      referencing the ROOT web application -- in which case the context path
      must be a zero-length string.</p>
  <li><em>No context exists for path /foo</em>
      <p>There is no deployed application on the context path that you
  <li><em>No context path was specified</em>
      The <code>path</code> parameter is required.
  <subsection name="Session Statistics">
  <p>Display the default session timeout for a web application, and the
  number of currently active sessions that fall within ten-minute ranges of
  their actual timeout times.  For example, after restarting Tomcat and then
  executing one of the JSP samples in the <code>/examples</code> web app,
  you might get something like this:</p>
  OK - Session information for application at context path /examples
  Default maximum session inactive interval 30 minutes
  30 - &lt;40 minutes:1 sessions
  <subsection name="Start an Existing Application">
  <p>Signal a stopped application to restart, and make itself available again.
  Stopping and starting is useful, for example, if the database required by
  your application becomes temporarily unavailable.  It is usually better to
  stop the web application that relies on this database, rather than letting
  users continuously encounter database exceptions.</p>
  <p>If this command succeeds, you will see a response like this:</p>
  OK - Started application at context path /examples
  <p>Otherwise, the response will start with <code>FAIL</code> and include an
  error message.  Possible causes for problems include:</p>
  <li><em>Encountered exception</em>
      <p>An exception was encountered trying to undeploy the web application.
      Check the Tomcat 4 logs for the details.</p>
  <li><em>Invalid context path was specified</em>
      <p>The context path must start with a slash character, unless you are
      referencing the ROOT web application -- in which case the context path
      must be a zero-length string.</p>
  <li><em>No context exists for path /foo</em>
      <p>There is no deployed application on the context path that you
  <li><em>No context path was specified</em>
      The <code>path</code> parameter is required.
  <subsection name="Stop an Existing Application">
  <p>Signal an existing application to make itself unavailable, but leave it
  deployed.  Any request that comes in while an application is stopped will
  see an HTTP error 404, and this application will show as "stopped" on a
  list applications command.</p>
  <p>If this command succeeds, you will see a response like this:</p>
  OK - Stopped application at context path /examples
  <p>Otherwise, the response will start with <code>FAIL</code> and include an
  error message.  Possible causes for problems include:</p>
  <li><em>Encountered exception</em>
      <p>An exception was encountered trying to undeploy the web application.
      Check the Tomcat 4 logs for the details.</p>
  <li><em>Invalid context path was specified</em>
      <p>The context path must start with a slash character, unless you are
      referencing the ROOT web application -- in which case the context path
      must be a zero-length string.</p>
  <li><em>No context exists for path /foo</em>
      <p>There is no deployed application on the context path that you
  <li><em>No context path was specified</em>
      The <code>path</code> parameter is required.
  <subsection name="Undeploy an Existing Application">
  <p>Signal an existing application to gracefully shut itself down, and then
  remove it from Tomcat (which also makes this context path available for
  reuse later).</p>
  <p>If this command succeeds, you will see a response like this:</p>
  OK - Removed application at context path /examples
  <p>Otherwise, the response will start with <code>FAIL</code> and include an
  error message.  Possible causes for problems include:</p>
  <li><em>Encountered exception</em>
      <p>An exception was encountered trying to undeploy the web application.
      Check the Tomcat 4 logs for the details.</p>
  <li><em>Invalid context path was specified</em>
      <p>The context path must start with a slash character, unless you are
      referencing the ROOT web application -- in which case the context path
      must be a zero-length string.</p>
  <li><em>No context exists for path /foo</em>
      <p>There is no deployed application on the context path that you
  <li><em>No context path was specified</em>
      The <code>path</code> parameter is required.

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