Why is this a .html file and not a .xml file?


on 8/20/01 6:13 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> pier        01/08/20 18:13:13
> Added:       docs     service.css service.html
> Log:
> Initial (not finished yet) writing of a specification for Service classes.
> Revision  Changes    Path
> 1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-service/docs/service.css
> Index: service.css
> ===================================================================
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> 1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-service/docs/service.html
> Index: service.html
> ===================================================================
> <HTML>
>   <HEAD>
>     <TITLE>Apache Service Specification - Version 1.0</TITLE>
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>   <BODY>
>     <H1>Apache Service Specification</H1>
>     <H4>Version 1.0</H4>
>     <P CLASS="note">
>       <strong>Abstract:</strong>
>       This document specifies the behavior and life cycle of an abstract
>       Java&trade; service, in relation to its native container. In addition
>       it defines a mechanism for controlling a service, and its interaction
>       with the native OS process in which its existance is confined.
>     </P>
>     <H2>Index</H2>
>     <OL>
>       <LI><A HREF="#1">Introduction</A>
>       <LI><A HREF="#2">Scope of this specification</A>
>       <LI><A HREF="#3">The Service interface and its life cycle</A>
>       <OL>
>         <LI><A HREF="#3A">Instantiation</A>
>         <LI><A HREF="#3B">Initialization</A>
>         <LI><A HREF="#3C">Startup</A>
>         <LI><A HREF="#3D">Stop</A>
>         <LI><A HREF="#3E">Destruction</A>
>       </OL>
>     </OL>
>     <A NAME="1"><H2>Introduction</H2></A>
>     <P>
>       Since 1994, the Java&trade; programming language evolved and became a
>       valid tool to develop, other than applets and client applications,
>       reliable and performant server applications. The major disadvantage of
>       the Java&trade; platform is that still today the only portable way to
>       start a Java&trade; applcation relies on a single point of entry: the
>       <CODE><EM CLASS="key">public static void</EM> main(<EM
> CLASS="ref">String</EM>[])</CODE>
>       method.
>     </P>
>     <P>
>       Having a single-point of entry is a valid solution for client
>       applications, where interactively a user can command to the application
>       to quit (which can terminate the Virtual Machine process at calling the
>       <CODE><EM CLASS="ref">System</EM>.exit(<EM CLASS="key">int</EM>)</CODE>
>       method), but in those cases where the application is not interactive
>       (server applications) there is currently no portable way to notify
>       the Virtual Machine of its imminent shutdown.
>     </P>
>     <P>
>       A server application written in Java might have to perform several tasks
>       before being able to shutdown the Virtual Machine process. For example
>       in the case of a Servlet container, before the VM process is shut down,
>       sessions might need to be serialized to disk, and web applications need
>       to be destroyed.
>     </P>
>     <P>
>       One common solution to this problem is to create (for example) a
>       <CODE><EM CLASS="ref">ServerSocket</EM></CODE> and wait for a particular
>       message to be issued. When the message is received, all operations
>       required to shut down the server applications are performed and at the
>       end the <CODE><EM CLASS="ref">System</EM>.exit</CODE> method is called
>       to terminate the Virtual Machine process. This method, however, implies
>       several disadvantages and risks: for example in case of a system-wide
>       shutdown, it might happen that the Virtual Machine process will be shut
>       down directly by the operating system, without notifying the running
>       server application. Or, for example, if an attacker finds out what is
>       the required message to send to the server, and discovers a way to send
>       this message to the running server application, he can easily interrupt
>       the operation of a server, bypassing all the security restrictions
>       implemented in the operating system.
>     </P>
>     <P>
>       Most multi-user operating systems already have a way in which server
>       applications are started and stopped, under Unix based operating systems
>       non interactive server applications are called <em>daemons</em> and are
>       controlled by the operating system with a set of specified
>       <em>signals</em>. Under Windows such programs are called
> <em>services</em>
>       and are controlled by appropriate calls to specific functions defined in
>       the application binary, but although the ways of dealing with the
> problem
>       are different, in both cases the operating system can notify a server
>       application of its imminent shutdown, and the application has the
>       ability to perform certain tasks before its process of execution is
>       destroyed.
>     </P>
>     <A NAME="2"><H2>Scope of this specification</H2></A>
>     <P>
>       The scope of this specification is to define an API in line with the
>       current Java&trade; Platform APIs to support an alternative invocation
>       mechanism which could be used instead of the above mentioned
>       <CODE><EM CLASS="key">public static void</EM> main(<EM
> CLASS="ref">String</EM>[])</CODE>
>       method. This specification cover the behavior and life cycle of what
>       we define as &quot;Java &trade; services&quot;, or, in other words,
>       non interactive Java&trade; applications.
>     </P>
>     <P>
>       This specification does not cover how the container of a Java&trade;
>       service must be implemented, or how to build a native liaison between
>       the operating system and the <CODE><EM CLASS="ref">Service</EM></CODE>
>       interface, but defines the relation between the an operating system
>       process and the <CODE><EM CLASS="ref">Service</EM></CODE> implementation
>       life cycle. It should be trivial for implementors to build a native
>       liaison and container for Java&trade; services.
>     </P>
>     <P>
>       This specification, together with the related API documentation, can be
>       used by software deveopers to build portable non interactive
> applications
>       based on the Java&trade; platform.
>     </P>
>     <A NAME="3"><H2>The Service interface and its life cycle</H2></A>
>     <P>
>       The <CODE><EM CLASS="ref">Service</EM></CODE> interface (defined as
>       follows) is the main interface representing a Java&trade; service:
>     </P>
> <PRE>
> <EM CLASS="key">package</EM> org.apache.service;
> <EM CLASS="key">public interface</EM> <EM CLASS="ref">Service</EM>
> <EM CLASS="key">extends</EM> <EM CLASS="ref">Runnable</EM> {
>     <EM CLASS="key">public void</EM> init(<EM CLASS="ref">ServiceContext</EM>
> context)
>     throws <EM CLASS="ref">Exception</EM>;
>     <EM CLASS="key">public void</EM> run();
>     <EM CLASS="key">public void</EM> die();
>     <EM CLASS="key">public void</EM> destroy();
> }</PRE>
>     <P>
>       A service is managed through a well defined life cycle that defines how
>       it is loaded, initialized, started, stopped and destroyed. This life
>       cycle is expressed in the API by the <CODE>init(...)</CODE>,
>       <CODE>run()</CODE>, <CODE>die()</CODE> and <CODE>destroy()</CODE>
> methods
>       of the <CODE><EM CLASS="ref">Service</EM></CODE> interface.
>     </P>
>     <A NAME="3A"><H3>Instantiation</H3></A>
>     <P>
>       The service container is responsible for instantiating services. Because
>       of this, concrete implementations of the <CODE><EM
> CLASS="ref">Service</EM></CODE>
>       interface must always expose a public void constructor, which will be
>       used by the service container to create instances of the class.
>       For example:
>     </P>
> <PRE>
> <EM CLASS="key">package</EM> mypackage;
> <EM CLASS="key">import</EM> org.apache.service.*;
> <EM CLASS="key">public class</EM> <EM CLASS="ref">MyService</EM>
> <EM CLASS="key">implements</EM> <EM CLASS="ref">Service</EM> {
>     <EM CLASS="com">/** This constructor must be here. */</EM>
>     <EM CLASS="key">public</EM> MyService() {
>         super();
>         ...
>     }
>     ...
> }</PRE>
>     <P>
>       Once the Virtual Machine process is started in the underlying operating
>       system, and the Virtual Machine itself is created and configured, the
>       service container associated with its native liaison constructs a new
>       instance of the concrete class implementing the
>       <CODE><EM CLASS="ref">Service</EM></CODE> instance. It is not defined by
>       this specification how the instance is constructed, or how many
> instances
>       of one or more concrete services implementation can coexist in the same
>       Virtual Machine.
>     </P>
>     <P>
>       As a side note, in case of multiple services running within the scope
>       of the same virtual machine, developers should not rely on static
>       methods and variables for proper operation, as it is advisable for
>       security reasons to load each different service instance in a separate
>       class loader.
>     </P>
>     <A NAME="3B"><H3>Initialization</H3></A>
>     <P>
>       After the service instance has been constructed, the container must
>       initialize it before it can be started. Initialization is provided so
>       that a service can read persisten configuration data, access native
>       resources, and perform other one-time activities.
>     </P>
>     <P>
>       Under certain operating systems (typically Unix based operating
> systems),
>       and if the native liaison of the container supports and it is configured
>       accordingly, this method might be called with super-user privileges.
>       For example, within the scope of this method, it might be wise to create
>       all required <CODE><EM CLASS="ref">ServerSocket</EM></CODE> instances
> (as
>       under several operating systems this requires super-user privileges).
>     </P>
>     <P>
>       That said, it is very important that within the scope of this method
>       &quot;untrusted&quot; data cannot be processed (for example, starting
>       an acceptor thread on a <CODE><EM CLASS="ref">ServerSocket</EM></CODE>
>       which receives and processes data from unknown sources), as this would
>       serious security hazards.
>     </P>
>     <P>
>       The service container must guarantee that the <CODE>init(...)</CODE>
>       method is called at least once, and only once on an instance of a
>       service object, and that it will be called before any access to the
>       <CODE>run()</CODE>, <CODE>die()</CODE> or <CODE>destroy()</CODE>
>       methods.
>     </P>
>     <P>
>       During initialization, the service instance can throw any
>       <CODE><EM CLASS="ref">Exception</EM></CODE> preventing a the successful
>       completion of the <CODE>init(...)</CODE> method. In this case the
> service
>       instance must not be started, and the <CODE>destroy()</CODE> method must
>       not be called before the instance is released by the container to allow
>       garbage collecting.
>     </P>
>     <A NAME="3C"><H3>Startup</H3></A>
>     <P>
>       As the <CODE><EM CLASS="ref">Service</EM></CODE> interface extends the
>       <CODE><EM CLASS="ref">Runnable</EM></CODE> interface, to start the
>       operation of a service, the container calls the <CODE>run()</CODE>
> method
>       within the scope of a <CODE><EM CLASS="ref">Thread</EM></CODE>. A
>       service is said to be &quot;running&quot; until the thread
>     </P>
>     <HR>
>     <P CLASS="copyright">
>       Author Pier Fumagalli
>       <A 
>       <BR>
>       Copyright &copy; 2001, The Apache Software Foundation
>       <A HREF="http://www.apache.org/";>&lt;http://www.apache.org/&gt;</A>
>       <BR>
>       All rights reserved.
>     </P>
>     <P CLASS="copyright">
>       Sun, Sun Microsystems, Solaris, and Java are trademarks or registered
>       trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
>       <A HREF="http://www.sun.com/";>&lt;http://www.sun.com/&gt;</A>
>       <BR>
>       UNIX&reg; is a registered trademark in the United States and other
>       countries, exclusively licensed through X/Open Company, Ltd.
>       <A 
> HREF="http://www.opengroup.org/";>&lt;http://www.opengroup.org/&gt;</A>
>       <BR>
>       Windows, WinNT and Win32 are registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.
>       <A 
> HREF="http://www.microsoft.com/";>&lt;http://www.microsoft.com/&gt;</A>
>     </P>
>     </P>
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