> Dear Roland,
>   Please write down the error, else no one can help
> you.
>   My servlet and Jsp files are runing fine in Tomcat
> 4.0 beta7 ~ .
Ok, here again, I'm using Tomcat 4.0-b7 under Windows NT Server

I unzip the Tomcat 4.0-b7 zip file to a directory. Start it, everything
seems to run fine. I got to the start page  http://localhost:8080

Then I click on the link JSP examples. All examples are listed. If I click
on any example that has a link to a JSP page I receive always the SAME error

A Servlet Exception Has Occurred
Exception Report:
javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet.init() for servlet jsp threw
 at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.load(StandardWrapper.java:852)

Its no surprise, since, if I take a look at
tomcat-4.0-b7/work/localhost/examples the directory is EMPTY. I know there
should be placed the compiled jsp pages. BUT it is empty. That means, the
JSP pages have not been compiled to servelts. Why not? I used Tomcat 4.0-b5
before and never had this problems, everything worked fine.

During the startup process there is no error message whatsoever, Catalina
works fine. I only get an error message when I try to access the jsp pages.

The servlet examples work fine, and if I try to access a pure HTML file
trough Tomcat it also works fine, its just the JSP pages that don`t work.

Any ideas here?


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