Ummm... perhaps invoke Jasper from your servlet?

Class clazz = Class.forName("org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet");
HttpServlet jsp = (HttpServlet) clazz.newInstance();
jsp.service(request, response);

That code is from Cocoon 2's JspGenerator, which uses Jasper to create
XML with JSP, which is then transformed and rendered in the Cocoon


On Thu, Sep 06, 2001 at 09:15:29PM +0000, javi . wrote:
> hello everybody!!
> i'm new here, and so excuse me if this thread has been
> started (and closed) before. and xcuse me for my spelling ;)
> my native language is java.
> i'm trying to add to tomcat a nice feature of resin:
> automatically apply a xsl transformation over all files
> with .xtp extension (xml templates).
> i've already done it, simply associating that extension
> to my servlet. the servlet read the xsl path
> from the .xtp itself.
> the problem is that i want to allow the jsp code in the
> xtp file to be executed, so i must retrieve it via http and not from
> the os file system... but when i do it, of course, my
> xtp servlet catch de call and began a recursive loop!
> is there any way to avoid that? i've look at the code
> by about ten hours and i don't see how to manage this
> problem...
> thank you very much in advance.
> Javi Moreno (jv)
> ps: i promise to post the servlet ;)
> pps: yes, i will try {to take another English course...}

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