>With the latest source and the attached patch from Nacho,
>isapi_redirect.dll is able to pass the certificate to
>Tomcat.  However, when I try it out on Win2k and IIS5.0
>I get the following exception displayed:
>Ajp13: Certificate convertion failed
>java.security.cert.CertificateException: Unable to initialize,
>java.io.IOException: DerInputStream.getLength(): lengthTag=76, too big.
>This comes from the:
>    X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate)
>            cf.generateCertificate(bais);
>call now found in o.a.t.util.compat.Jdk12Support.getX509Certificates().
>I haven't tried this with Apache and mod_jk.  Is that combination
>working for others?
>Any clues or suggestions how to pursue this problem would
>be appreciated.

Strange, did the cert are in DER encoding ? 
I used to see them in PEM (ascii) mode in Apache.

A question for your resident SSL specialist, Christopher

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