It seems that I must have been bad in a past life, since my Karma isn't high

I've added the code to re-encode the URL to DecodeInterceptor on my machine.
If you want it right away, I can post a diff.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 11:17 AM
Subject: Volunteers for: - RE: TC 3.3: getRequestURI()

> It seems most agree on using 'decoded' URI in mod_jk. Making the change
> is not easy, there are few places where we need to coordinate and make
> sure we're on the same page.
> I don't think I can do this alone ( if it sounded like I volunteer to fix
> it - well, I need  help ).
> Problems:
> - Someone with IIS must cut&paste the decoding stuff from Apache (
> probably in jk/common ), make sure the uri sent is decoded ( so consistent
> with Apache and NES ). That should happen in j-t and j-t-c ( with this
> ocasion we'll help Marc a bit :-)
> - One piece is to implement the java side of the decoding. I can do that
> if nobody else wants ( I have few other bugs in work, so I'll probably do
> it tommorow ).
> - I'll fix DecodeInterceptor to avoid double decoding ( I'm already fixing
> the normalization for JNI ).
> - Someone should check 4.0. Strange, even if this is a 2.3 requirement I
> didn't see any comment so far... Well, they have cool features and jars to
> add, so I can do that if nobody else does.
> - Revert jk/apache to use uri, remove the encode call ( again, j-t and
> j-t-c - one more week to do that, after that we'll be j-t-c only ). Henri
> - could you do this and the next one ?
> - Build and make some jars available - so we can test.
> - Test.
> Yes, it's a long list - but at the end we might solve one of the trickiest
> problems.
> Costin
> > >2. mod_jk will send the 'decoded' URI ( %xx replaced with the real
> > >char ).
> > >
> > >On IIS - we need to decode the URI, Apache+NES - nothing to do.
> > >On java side - we do a 'canonical' encoding in the facade. All
> > >the code will operate on the decoded request ( this is what
> > >Apache and NES are doing ). We also need to prevent DecodeInterceptor
> > >to re-decode the URIs from jk. ( that's trivial, just a flag )
> > >
> > >Benefits:
> > >- consistency with Apache, all processing on decoded uris.
> > >- easier to maintain ( java :-)
> > >- important - servlets will get a consistently encoded uri,
> > >thus preventing many security problems. With the current code
> > >many tricks can be played ( see recent security problems in
> > >tomcat ) using encoding - if we were vulnerable to that,
> > >I suspect most servlet authors will be as well.
> > >
> > >Problems:
> > >- a bit more work to do.
> > >- the 'original' uri will not be preserved in any servers (
> > >the first solution allows that for IIS and standalone ).
> > >
> > >
> > >Your votes please, I'm ok with any of them ( with a slight
> > >preference to 2 )
> > >
> > >Costin
> > >
> > >
> > >On Thu, 27 Sep 2001, Larry Isaacs wrote:
> > >
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> > -----Original Message-----
> > >> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > >> > Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 3:10 AM
> > >> > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >> > Subject: RE: TC 3.3: getRequestURI()
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> > Given this is an important change - and something will be broken
> > >> > regardless of what we do - I think we need to coordinate
> > >and make sure
> > >> > we're doing it right.
> > >> >
> > >> > - First: Larry - what do you think ? We just had RC1, and we
> > >> > have already
> > >> > a simple patch ( changing SessionId to hide the problem ).
> > >My proposal
> > >> > is simple to implement ( just encode the URI on the facade, and use
> > >> > only decoded URIs internally ), but it is braking some of the 2.3
> > >> > clarifications ( not mandatory for 2.2, of course, but important )
> > >>
> > >> I'm leaning towards your encode in facade solution.  I'm
> > >curious about
> > >> the 2.3 clarifications you are referring to beyond the URI being the
> > >> "original".
> > >>
> > >> >
> > >> > - Someone with access to NES and/or IIS, could you please verify
> > >> > if the requestUri variable in NSAPI/ISAPI is encoded or
> > >not ? Neither
> > >> > of them seems to provide the choice between unencoded_uri and uri,
> > >> > so whatever they provide is the only thing we can use.
> > >>
> > >> I can try IIS easily enough.  I'll also try to get NES running and
> > >> see if I can determine this one too.  I'll need to do this at home,
> > >> so I'll report my results tonight.
> > >>
> > >> Larry
> > >>
> > >> >
> > >> > I think the result of the test with IIS/NES is essential
> > >to resolving
> > >> > this problem once and for all. If the URI they provide is the
> > >> > 'original/or
> > >> > encoded' - that's what we should use on Apache side.
> > >> >
> > >> > If not ( and the URI is decoded ) - that means the 'original uri'
> > >> > is un-implementable, and we shouldn't worry about it anymore, and
> > >> > using the decoded URI consistently is the best solution.
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> > Please, (I know there aren't too many windows user around :-),
> > >> > could someone check this ?
> > >> >
> > >> > Costin
> > >> >
> > >>
> > >
> >


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