It would be nice also to display the command that is used
to initialize the jk web config files, jkconf or whatever.

| -----Original Message-----
| From: Jeff Turner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2001 2:44 AM
| Subject: [PATCH][3.3] cleanup
| Hi,
| The help text displayed when you type "./" currently reads:
| Usage:
| tomcat (start|env|run|stop|jspc)
|         start - start tomcat in the background
|         run   - start tomcat in the foreground
|         run -wait - wait until tomcat is initialized before returning  
|             -security - use a SecurityManager when starting
|         stop  - stop tomcat
|         env  -  set CLASSPATH and TOMCAT_HOME env. variables
|         jspc - run jsp pre compiler
| This is out of date (missing 'enableAdmin' and 'estart'), is partially
| incorrect (-wait applies to 'start', not 'run'), and is hard to read.
| The attached patch fixes this, so it will print:
| ./ (start|run|stop|enableAdmin|estart|env|jspc)
|   start            - start tomcat in the background
|   start -security  -   use a SecurityManager when starting
|   start -noout     -   redirect stdout/stderr to $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/stdout.log
|   start -wait      -   wait until tomcat is initialized before returning
|   run              - start tomcat in the foreground
|   run -security    -   use a SecurityManager when starting
|   stop             - stop tomcat
|   stop -force      - stop tomcat with the 'kill' command if necessary
|   enableAdmin      - Trust the admin web application,
|                      i.e. rewrites conf/apps-admin.xml with trusted="true"
|   estart           - Start Tomcat using the/your EmbededTomcat class which
|                      uses a hardcoded set of modules
|   env              - set CLASSPATH and TOMCAT_HOME env. variables
|   jspc             - run jsp pre compiler
| The patch also fixes indentation, and parametrizes the MAX_WAIT variable to
| reliably fix another doc bug.
| Also, I noticed that line 294 contains:
|${TOMCAT_HOME}/conf/tomcat.policy "
| Shouldn't that be a single '='? There is the same thing in tomcat.bat. Not
| being sure of the implications, I haven't changed this in the patch.
| --Jeff

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