I'm experiencing hangs when testing out a application with tomcat 3.2.3 on
Sun's JRE 1.3.1_01 running on a Intel 733MHz Redhat 7.1 stock kernel,
using only 2 PoolTcpConnector HTTP (min/max spare = 0) connections, but
with 150 clients, really hassling the server.
   The server hangs for quite some time, then it suddely starts working
again. The load on the server drops to close to 0 and the java-threads
disappear from "top" during these intervals. From my logs, it could look
like it's managing about 30 requests, then chilling for about 30 seconds.
Trying to go to the same site during this period also hangs my browser.

With 3 threads, the rest is the same, this don't happen.

I'm just wondering why it is like this, whether I should start bughunting
in my application (synchs and the like), or just blame it on tomcat and/or

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot!


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