Hai Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>    I am working on SSL communication now, I have set up Tomcat to
> support SSL, but I got an error when I tried to make a connection to
> Tomcat-SSL server. My procedures are as follows: (by the way my server
> and client are sitting in the same Linux PC  (Lisbon))
>        1. create the key pair for server and client
>         2. request the certificates from thawte from both of them
>        3. import the reply certifcates to server and client keystores
>        4 export the server and client certficates and import them as the
> trusted certficates
> Detailed procedures, please see the end of the mail
> when I desable clientAuth, everything is fine, but when I turn on the
> clientAuth, the following erros come up.
Let's start by finding out whether the client is actually performing
client auth. Can you get an ssldump trace of the connection?
(you can get ssldump from http://www.rtfm.com/ssldump). You'll
want to use the -A and -N flags.

Once we know what's happening we can try to figure out why.


[Eric Rescorla                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Author of "SSL and TLS: Designing and Building Secure Systems"

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