I'd finished adding portable SSL support to Tomcat and was
testing it when I ran into an interesting snag. Roughly,
the way things work is as follows (spread out over a number
of classes)

        Socket s=accept();
        PushbackInputStream is=new PushbackInputStream
        int x=is.read();

Sometimes (but not always) I'm getting stalled on the first
byte read. I know that there's data in the pipe because I
can see it on the wire with tcpdump or ssldump but it never
seems to get to my application.

Some interesting observations:
(1) This always happens on the first read of a given connection.
(2) Sometimes if you close the connection or kill tomcat 
whatever's wedged seems to unwedge and the read completes.
(3) This never seems to happen in PureTLS standalone, only 
in combination with Tomcat.

I'm about to start really digging into this (first by adding a dummy
module in place of PureTLS) but I wanted to know if anyone had seen
anything similar and had any guesses about what might be going on.


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