On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, GOMEZ Henri wrote:

> Ok, let's release mod_jk to 1.2 and start 2.0.

What I did is put all the new stuff in native2. There are few other (big)
changes coming, I hope to get it back into a 'stable' state by the end of
the week and start updating the iis,nes,etc ( now I'm working on a single
server adapter, it's much easier ).

For 1.2 we have 2 choices:
- Branch it at Nov 15 ( or around ), i.e. before jk_channel and the new
stuff ( that will be part of jk2.0 ) was added.

- revert the changes ( it should be easy - just copy the files as of Nov15
over and commit ), and stay in the main branch ( with a tag, etc).

I prefer the second choice, since we could build both jk1.2 and jk2 out of
the same space and it's easier to work ( that's how xalan managed the
repository for example ). If we tag only a subdir, a checkout with the tag
will get only the tagged files anyway.

The only issue is if any bug fix was done between Nov15 and today in the
main branch. If so, it'll be included in 2.0 but not in 1.2. I'll take a
look at the commit messages and see if I can find any, and apply it again.

> - Release it (1.2)
> - make binaries for all knowns platform
>   (Apache w/o SSL, IIS, iPlanet, Domino)
> - Create a link to this repository which could
>   be used by both Tomcat 3.2, 3.3, 4.0
> - And may be start to think about creating web pages
>   for J-T-C

It seems we have agreement, all we need now is volunteers :-)

Could you... :-) ??


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