On Wed, 12 Dec 2001, Bill Barker wrote:

> If you are talking about status codes, I'm -1.  That should be passed
> through from Tomcat without change.
> If Tomcat hangs up, then there is almost no useful information available, so
> there isn't much to report.  If the client hangs up, then like jk1, we
> should just stop processing and return OK to Apache.
> I'm probably just misunderstanding what situations you are trying to handle
> here, so if you can be a little bit more verbose, I'll probably change my
> vote.

I want mod_jk to display a page saying 'tomcat is temporary down, please
make sure tomcat is started' or something like that. Right now we just
display 'jakarta-handler not available' - and we have no way to know what
was the exact cause for that ( bad config, tomcat not started, something
else ).

It's true, the module that detects an error is logging the error, but the
information is lost for the caller. For example memory allocation errors
or null pointer exceptions should be treated diferently from connection

is_recoverable is an ugly way to let called code pass some info up ( i.e.
if the error was 'really bad' or not ).

It's pretty hard to come with a list of why exceptions are usefull and
list the use-cases :-)


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