
In Tomcat 4, unless I'm not reading the code correctly, or completely,
it doesn't appear that that any routing information is stored in the session

Can anyone comment on this?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mathias Herberts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 12:23 PM
Subject: Re: Load balancing - fail-over support with mod_webapp

| Tom Drake wrote:
| >
| > Mathias;
| >
| > Thanks for your very informative reply. From your reply, it seems
| > that mod_jk comes close to doing what I want, and should actually
| > provide the fail-over I'm looking for, however not in the most
| > optimal way.
| >
| > What would be involved in adding (optionally configured) logic to
| > mod_jk that would prefer another running instance over a downed
| > instance, and then remember this as the 'jvmroute' for the given
| Humm the design Gal Shachor did for mod_jk is pretty slick, there
| is no need to maintain any session table in Apache memory as the
| jvmroute
| is part of the session id.
| Therefore I do not see any way coherent with that design to re-route
| a given session id (containing a jvmroute not to be used) to a new
| Tomcat in a sticky way.
| My best shot would be, the first time a request is received on a Tomcat
| which did not issue it, to reissue Set-Cookie and Set-Cookie2 headers to
| force a new session id to be used. Therefore the mapping would be
| explicit in
| the new session id. The new session id would have to be used also in URL
| rewritings.
| This solution would provide the re-mapping you requested and the new
| Tomcat would
| become the new session parent.
| There are though several drawbacks to issueing a new session id.
| First the marketing guys won't be happy :-) Their client tracking would
| probably suffer from this change of session id, even if the end user
| doesn't notice anything.
| Second, depending if you use load balancing equipment before the Apache
| servers, and what kind of stickyness you
| use those equipments with, you could end up with non optimal routings of
| requests, but that's only minor since
| it will only apply to sessions that were on the downed worker initially.
| > Can you provide any insights into mod_webapp?
| Nope, I only dug into mod_jk for now.
| Mathias.
| --
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