jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

What is JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL)?

How can I protect my JSP resources using security realms under Tomcat 4?

Can Tag Libraries be used to
internationalize an application?

If yes, then what are the advantages 
and disadvantages?

I have included some audio files in a jsp page. The audio files are in .rm extension. 
When I click on the hyperlink for the audio file in the browser, instead of playing  
the audio, it shows some junk data in the web page. How do I remedy this?

How can I distinguish b/w 2 buttons which are submitting the same form from within my 
JSP page?
I'd like to solve this problem without using JavaScript.

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

Is it possible to make calls to C or C++ methods from a servlet?

How to check for the validation of a Unix login username and password from Java?

Our servlet program needs to read an image file (*.jpg or gif) and create thumnail 
files. Is there any program available I can use ?

I read the section on Filters and the spec seems to be silent on some issues...
Can you clarify?

How do I set a System Property and access it from a Servlet?

Is it better to have lots of methods to my servlet, or to keep the code inside the 
doGet or doPost method?

When two or more people are using my servlet, why does everyone see the data for the 
person who has logged in latest?

How do i find out whether a request to a particular servlet is coming from another 
servlet or, if it is coming from a user request?

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