> My primary goal for bringing the code in the public is that I want
> to build a HTTP/1.1 connector for Tomcat 4.0 based on it

I don't think you can have a nbio connector with a compliant servlet
container, because the J2EE spec mandates at the moment: 1 thread <-> 1
That requirements makes nbio much less interesting over the current since
you would need a big thread pool.

> , and could
> use a helping hand here and there. In fact, I already have much of
> the code for building the HttpServletRequest object, but to keep
> it really elegant I'll need some help from the Tomcat community.
> Most notably, much of the code duplications could go away if Catalina
> code in  org.apache.catalina.connectors.http was more reusable
> (some classes are package-private and some public classes take
> package-private classes in a constructor argument etc.).
> I'll return to these issues on this list after I've properly set
> up the project on SourceForge.

Don't use that code, as it is not very efficient / memory intensive, etc.
Something more useful would be to write a nbio selector for the HTTP/1.1
connector I'm writing in j-t-c.
For the connector, nbio is the last optimization which should be done. There
are much bigger hotspots than the time spent in java.net in the connector
which ships with 4.0.x ;-)

Also, why not contributing the thing to the core project (if it manages to
get around the problem mentioned above, of course), instead of developing it
separately ?


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