On Tue, 22 Jan 2002, Peter Sojan wrote:

> Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 03:30:43 +0100
> From: Peter Sojan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Tomcat Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Tomcat Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: The problem with "/"
> Thank you for your hint!
> Now I understand, that with my setting:
> ----------------------------------
> <servlet-mapping>
>     <servlet-name>MyMainServlet</servlet-name>
>     <url-pattern>/</url-pattern>
>  </servlet-mapping>
> ----------------------------------
> I override the default configuration which is:
> ----------------------------------
>  <servlet-mapping>
>     <servlet-name>default</servlet-name>
>     <url-pattern>/</url-pattern>
>   </servlet-mapping>
> ----------------------------------
> If I want to handle all requests for non-existent resources with
> my "MyMainServlet" and all static-existent (non-servlet) resources
> with "DefaultServlet", your solution should work If I can forsee
> every type of static resource I will offer in my webapp.
> So I would have to write mappings for *.gif, *.jpg, *.png, *.pdf,
> *.bla, and so on. I think the way the spec handles this issue, is
> that if I do a mapping on "/", then requests for static-existent
> content would still be served by the container without invoking
> my MyMainServlet. However since the tomcat solution is to handle
> static content with a DefaultServlet, I will always loose this
> functionality when I override the "/" mapping with my own servlet.
> Any suggestions for a workaround!?

How about just serving the content yourself?  It's not difficult to do.

> Thx
> Peter


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