I've got a little problems with all the jars that are
mandatory to build TC 4.0, javamail, jta, jdbc-ext, jmxri.

tyrex is allready packaged and JSSE is only optional.

Could someone, may be from Sun staff, could release all of 
them in a single tarball and put it on the download area ?

For now I use packages from the jPackage project, www.jpackage.org,
where all these fine Jars are available as RPM but may be some will
find better to have all of these original jars at apache.org ;)

Thanks to comment

Henri Gomez                 ___[_]____
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>-----Original Message-----
>From: Remy Maucherat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 3:54 PM
>To: Tomcat Developers List
>Subject: Re: [Tomcat 4.0.2-b2] Java binaries uploaded
>> That's fine for me since that's exactly how I built the packages for
>> TC 4.x.
>> build TC 4 jars , then build jtc jar (against TC 4.0) then copy to
>> appropriate dirs
>There was a circular dependency when doing that (which was solved by
>committing some JARs in the Tomcat CVS), but it does work :)
>> Ok, RPM should be ready later today or tomorrow :)
>Great !
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