
Can I add integrate of the wrapper script from the HEAD branch to the list?
The scripts should be fully compatible with the 4.0.2 branch code and they
provide a few of the features noted in the documentation but missing from Windows:

  - Running in debug mode
  - Running in jwpda mode
  - Running with spaces in any of the path names

I realize the 4.0.2 branch is really only doing maintenance work now, but
it would be nice to put these scripts in if the opportunity arises (i.e. a
4.0.3 release comes out at some point).

This also resolves Bugzilla bug 6108.



Remy Maucherat wrote:
> > On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, Kevin Seguin wrote:
> >
> > > 5647 has a patch associated with it that looks pretty good.
> > >
> > > i'm not even sure i understand 5483 yet :)
> >
> > There are 2 issues:
> > - extracting the language from the Accept-Language: header.
> > That should be implemented in tomcat ( and the servlet container ) -
> > as with the charset detection, that's at a higher level than the
> > connector.
> >
> > - serving the 'right' page based on the accept-language header.
> > I believe there is a patch for 3.x, not sure if it was ever ported.
> > In the context of Apache+tomcat, all static files will support
> > the language header, using the apache convention and settings.
> > I'm not sure this is the same as the standalone impl ( apache
> > is based on extensions, index.html.en, while in 3.x it's based
> > on dirs en/index.html - but I haven't checked ).
> > Regadless of what's happening for static pages, there is no
> > rule defined for jsps AFAIK, the jsp itself should use one of the
> > existing taglibs or whatever to get the right language.
> >
> > A workaround - for jsps - is to use the header directly. For static
> > files apache should deal with that without problems.
> >
> > A bigger problem, which is not easy to fix in jk1.x, is charset
> > detection and setting, especially for the jni connector. That's going
> > to improve a lot in jk2 and o.a.jk, almost the same code used
> > for 3.3 will be used there too.
> >
> > I would mark this bug as LATER for now.
> Ok, thanks for the detailed explanation. I'll post it in bugzilla, and mark
> the bug as LATER.
> Thanks,
> Remy
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