In 4.0.1, JspC commandline tool is not making package names that correspond to 
subdirectories in my context directory (i.e. I need
"/help/testhelp.jsp" to become "help/" and be "package help;").  There is 
a setOutputInDirs method on the
CommandLineContext that seems like it should toggle this feature.  I think I'm 
patching this in the right place... I don't know for
sure that setOutputInDirs is the correct attribute to "piggy back" on, but regardless 
I think other people may find this capability

Thanks a lot
Mike Schrag
---      Mon Feb  4 14:24:29 2002
+++   Mon Feb  4 14:51:38 2002
@@ -346,6 +346,30 @@
             if (dirset) {
+            if (dirset) {
+              String packageName = null;
+              StringBuffer packageNameStrBuf = new StringBuffer();
+              if (targetPackage != null) {
+                packageNameStrBuf.append(targetPackage);
+              }
+              java.util.StringTokenizer packageTokenizer = new 
+java.util.StringTokenizer(file.toString(), File.separator);
+              while (packageTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
+                String token = packageTokenizer.nextToken();
+                if (packageTokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
+                  if (packageNameStrBuf.length() > 0) {
+                    packageNameStrBuf.append(".");
+                  }
+                  packageNameStrBuf.append(token);
+                }
+              }
+              if (packageNameStrBuf.length() > 0) {
+                packageName = packageNameStrBuf.toString();
+              }
+              clctxt.setServletPackageName(packageName);
+            }
            ArrayList urls = new ArrayList();
             if (new File(clctxt.getRealPath("/")).exists()) {

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