Hi to all,

TC 4.0.2 rpms are available at :


But read the following before rushing :

Tomcat 4.0.2 in light mode need :

servletapi 2.3, regexp 1.2 and xerces 1.x, that
are for some compiled (servletapi), present in
source tarball (regexp), or should be present
on system at build time (xerces).

All of these jar are then distributed in the binary
tarball or in the binary RPM at build time.

The Tomcat 4.0.2 RPM will no more include these 
jars since they will be available in their own
RPM packages.

These RPMs, servletapi4, regexp (1.2), xerces (1.4.4)
will be available next to tomcat4 rpms in both binary
and source form.

Tomcat 4.0.2 RPM require them and will install them 
on lib directories at install time (%post) by making
symlink between usual RPM jars repository /usr/share/java/
to /var/tomcat4/server/lib/ or /var/tomcat4/common/lib/

As such the TC binary RPM will be smaller, you could update
xerces, regexp, servletapi4 as they will take care of 
Tomcat 4.0.2 and will update it accordingly.

For example if you want to upgrade to Xerces 2.0 where the
SAX/DOM/W3C API and Parser are splitted in 2 jars, the RPM
will install them correctly (via symlink) in TC 4.0 lib dir.

Side effect, it will be easier to release TC 4.0.2 RPM updates,
ie for using openjmx.

Henri Gomez                 ___[_]____
EMAIL : [EMAIL PROTECTED]        (. .)                     
PGP KEY : 697ECEDD    ...oOOo..(_)..oOOo...
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