
Remy Maucherat wrote:
> I agree with Pier here. I think we should only try to implement daemon
> fnctionality using the appropriate wrapper. Implmenting it with standard
> Tomcat using scripts is a nasty hack.
> Somehow, Patrick doesn't seem to like my BootstrapService (which works
> perfectly well; it's even been in use for a long time through the NT service
> which ships with the Windows installer) :-(

I admit it: I was trying to implement a hack. I am definitely warming up to the
idea of jumping straight into Pier's scripts. After all of this discussion, it
doesn't seem to be so much work to switch to a native launcher to implement the
setuid() stuff.

Plus, I agree with Remy that the use of shell scripts to launch Tomcat is a bit
nasty. I like the idea of using Pier's launcher (I assume the Windows native
code has a native launcher as well?) to be able to start Tomcat via a
double-click on an executable and no MS-DOS window on Windows.


Patrick Luby                          Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sun Microsystems                              Phone: 408-276-7471
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