I've recently tried out the binary version of mod_webapp on Win2K and it
does not appear to function properly. It will work for a couple of page
and then it causes Apache to grap 100% CPU time.

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Lotspeich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 4:59 PM
Subject: Problems with mod_webapp. Please read!


I have successfully built Tomcat 3.x and mod_jk from source and gotten
to work perfectly.

I've successfully built Tomcat 4.x.

The problem is that I have not been able to get mod_webapp running
successfully.  I've tried every release from 4.0 to 4.01 to 4.02 with no
success.  The problem is that Apache disappears from memory as soon as
tries to initialize the webapp module.  I have made all of the required
configuration changes to httpd.conf including setting ServerName

I have run mod_webapp through the debugger and found that the entire
memory space is obliterated as soon as mod_webapp initializes.

I have posted multiple messages both to the tomcat-dev list and to the
tomcat-user list and have received no helpful responses.  I have noticed
that others with similar troubles have also received no response.

Is there anybody who has successfully built mod_webapp and gotten it to
work properly?  Are there any developers who read this list?  There must
be somebody out there who can help.  It seems like a developer would be
interested in my problem because it seems serious and it could help to
make mod_webapp a better product.

A helpful response would be greatly appreciated,



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