I have been trying to get tomcat's JNDI JDBC connection pooling
code working lately, and I have run into two bugs in the tyrex code.
Since these are bugs in tyrex, this is more of an FYI than a bug report.

First, tyrex calls AccessController.checkPermsission() whether
or not there is a security manager running, instead of calling
SecurityManager.checkPermssion().  This means you have to hack your
policy file even if you are not running under a security manager.  I have
patches to fix this if anyone's interested (also submitted to tyrex-dev).

Second, there appears to be no way to get tyrex to hand you a connection
that supports non-XA-based commit/rollback: you cannot call commit(),
setAutoCommit(), or rollback() on the connections it gives you.  I was
unable to figure out a workaround to this.


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