
I have had this problem since around 3.2, (and posted here about it, the
subject was "TC 3.3.3 with Apache stack space error"

I just installed the tomcat3-3.3.1-rc1.1.noarch.rpm (and the
tomcat-mod-3.3-1.i386.rpm, and other required RPMs),
and I'm still getting this:

- java.lang.StackOverflowError
        at java.beans.Beans.instantiate(Beans.java:57)
        at dcadmin_jsp.index_1._jspService(index_1.java:60)

Basically, I have to add this to my .tomcatrc to get TC to work:
TOMCAT_OPTS="-Xms400m -Xmx500m"

It does it both with mod_jk+apache, and also standalone TC.
I rebuilt the the tomcat-mod source RPM (as suggested by gomez henri),
stuck the new mod_jk.so file in place, but that didn't make a

Here are a few details of my install:

redhat 7.2
IBM 1.3.0 JDK
apache 1.3.20 (and 1.3.22)
I have installed most all of the errata from redhat (including
kernel 2.4.9-31,

I didn't mind setting the mem from 400-500, except that my machine only
has 128, and java is starting to use 400 after awhile.  Lots of swapping
going on, pretty much brings the machine to it's knees.  The application
should only need to less than 64 megs total.

I really want to start using redhat 7.2 with tomcat.

Any ideas?



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