On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Khurram Munir wrote:

> Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 09:19:27 +0000 (GMT)
> From: Khurram Munir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Tomcat Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Can Reload server.xml without restarting TC !!!HELP
> Can Tomcat reload server.xml after editing without
> restarting.
>  I m adding datasource entry in server.xml
> programmatically and wants that my application should
> use that recently added datasource without restarting
> tomcat i m adding that in application context

For the Tomcat 4.0.x branch, this is not currently possible.

For the HEAD branch, you've got a couple of different options:

* Besides being able to deploy a WAR or a directory containing a webapp,
  this version also lets you deploy a "context configuration file", which
  is an XML file that contains just a <Context> element and the nested
  elements for a single webapp.  This lets you dynamically add an app
  that needs resource references, then undeploy it and redeploy it if
  those references need to change, without restarting Tomcat.

  (For Ant users, there are even some nice custom Ant tasks that
  interact with the Manager webapp's deployment capabilities.)

* In the server.xml file, there is the notion of "Global JNDI Resources"
  that can be shared across multiple webapps.  In a <Context> element,
  you use a <ResourceLink> that links your resource reference to one of
  the global resource definitions, instead of defining it yourself.
  Currently, you can not add global resources dynamically, but that is
  definitely in the plans for the admin webapp.


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