yes, I know. But when I come in without a session the function 
get_most_suitable_worker in jk_lb_worker.c will find a worker by using 
the lb-factor and do weighted round robin. And at this position I would 
like to switch off the load-balancing and select the worker which is 
connected to tomcat on the same node. Because we have a loadbalancer in 
front of our cluster but it can't handle the sessions. So we need the 
routing of mod_jk for sticky sessions, but the loadbalancing would 
indefer with our loadbalancer.

With mod_jserv we did it with a little trick. The routing config and the 
nodeset for loadbalancing were separated. For routing we told mod_jserv 
all the nodes in the cluster, but for loadbalancing we build a nodeset 
with only the local node in it. A little perl script build the conffiles 
suitable for the nodes.

But mod_jserv can only work with ajp12 and we would like to use the 
advanced features of ajp13.

For mod_jk of tomcat 3.2.x I build an additional worker which did only 
the routing. And I added a new config command for declaring the local 
connected worker. But it is a little bit laborious to add this every 
time when the connectors change.

Id would be nice if this feature was contained in mod_jk. I could do it 
and send the additional worker to the list/project.



GOMEZ Henri wrote:
> in mod_jk, when a session is created the following requests
> will allways go to the same tomcat.
> IBM call it Session Affinity ;)
>>is it possible to use only the session routing of mod_jk without load
>>Because we have a standalone loadbalancer in front of our cluster. In 
>>the past we used mod_jserv with ApacheJServ. But now we want to switch 
>>to tomcat. On every node should run an apache and tomcat, connected to 
>>each other with mod_jk. We need the routing between the nodes for 
>>established sessions, but a request without a session should be routed 
>>by mod_jk to the tomcat on the same node.
>>I hope I could reach someone of the mod_jk developers. Sending this
>>question to the user list wasn't successful.

Dipl.-Inform. Bernd Koecke
Schlund+Partner AG
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