> I don't know if this is a bug or something I am doing wrong, but I've
> contacted several people via the Tomcat forums and found that two of them
> had abandoned Apache 2.0 and went back to 1.3 because they could not get
> this to work.
> Environment:
> -  Redhat Linux 7.1
> -  Apache 2.0
> -  Tomcat 4.0.3

For mod_webapp, it works for me.

> To keep this simple, I am doing the least possible changes that still
> produce the error:
> -  Using binaries for mod_webapp.so or mod_jk-01.so
> -  Using only the -prefix option when installing Apache
> -  Using the standard httpd.conf file except for one line: LoadModule
> webapp_module modules/mod_webapp.so
> As soon as I add that one line to httpd.conf, apache fails to start with
> this message:
> Syntax error on line 219 of /opt/apache2/conf/httpd.conf:
> Cannot load /opt/apache2/modules/mod_jk-01.so into server:
> /opt/apache2/modules/
> mod_jk-01.so: undefined symbol: ap_table_get
> ./apachectl start: httpd could not be started

 I don't use mod_jk at all (until I need load balance).

> I've tried other options when installing Apache, tried compiling the
> mod_webapp.so from /src (but it runs into not finding the "pr_warp_defs.h"
> file--although I'm not a "C" programmer so don't quite know what I'm doing
> there), but have not been able to get past this point.

Which source tar ball you downloaded and the procedure?

> If this is not a bug, any pointers would be HUGELY appreciated.
> Sincerely,
> Ray Peck
> Building Industry Credit Association
> (213)251-1106

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