"Ignacio J. Ortega" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>>  webapp
>>>      web servers:
>>>        apache 1.3
>>>        others?
>> Apache2. I think they got IIS and iPlanet - don't know what level
>> of support.
> When webapp got support for IIS? I think webapp has got a win32 build
> for apache, not IIS support AFAIK,

Correct. And since the code was "donated" to support NSAPI, then it was
abandoned (the guy who did it is not around anymore).

I'm thinking about stripping it out and go for the "eat our own dogfood"
vision, meaning, I don't care about anything else but Apache (and frankly
ATM I don't care much about Apache 1.3 anymore as well, if someone
volunteers to keep maintaining that code, well, he's more than welcome to)

> Pier could you teach we a little about webapp?

What can I tell you about it? :)


I think that it's extremely foolish to name a server after the current U.S.
President.                                                 B.W. Fitzpatrick

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