On Tue, 30 Apr 2002, Hans Schmid wrote:

> I can not see how this works if you have Apache and Tomcat on different
> machines.
> This way we do not have a webapp/ directory on that Apache server.

It works fine. 

There are 2 cases:
1. You want Apache to serve static pages. That's the 'normal' case, and 
it automatically require that you _have_ the webapp (at lest the static 
pages, you can remove the clasesses, lib, etc ) on the apache server.

2. You don't want apache to serve static pages for the app. In this case 
you'll just put a small file in the webapp/ ( myApp.jk2 or something 
similar - see how 3.3 apps-myApp.xml or 4.1 webapps/myApp.xml works ),
with the single mapping that is required to forward all requests.

Even in the second case, I think it is easier to 'deploy' one conf file 
per webapp in a clear format than editing workers.properties. 

> Did I misunderstand the intent of this configuration? Is it a 'best guess'
> for simple setups?
> Probably in our scenario we have to configure it manually anyways.

Manual configuration will work, of course. In tomcat you can still edit 
server.xml. It's just that I would strongly discourage that for 'normal'

> > Some 'special' files ( like in 4.1 and the 3.3 apps- files ) will
> > also be read and used to load webapps that sit in different directories.
> same here we are on different machines.

Again, all you need is to install 1 file on the server machine for each 
webapp ( without static files ). 

I personally believe that is a very bad choice to not let apache serve
the static files, but it'll work.

> Just make sure, everything in the config can be overwritten and configures
> manually
> if possible in a single file (as workers.properties right now)

Either workers2.properties, or one file in the webapps ( named 
after the application, with .jk2 extension ). 

The file can be used if you have the docRoot in a different place in
the apache server.


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