Ok, I don't want to start a flame war or anything - but I really don't like the current solution.
For short term - we can live with it, and I can accept that as long as we are commited to replace it with something better. I spent a lot of time on this issue - there are many solutions around - Mozilla, gnome, KDE, linuxconf, win32 registry, etc. There one essential requirement: the manager should preserve all elements and config that he doesn't understand. The best solution IMHO is to have a layer between the config file and the configuration. Right now we have XmlMapper ( or however it's called now ) pushing the config info directly into the components, and the components generating config fragments. That will loose information and makes the xml too hardcoded in. In jk we have a jk_config object that reads the properties and sits between config changer and the components. Any change in config ( by wire protocol, shm, etc ) can be registered by jk_config and he can persist it. And it's trivial to later change the format and interface to the config file ( to use LDAP or registry or xml ). A similar thing can be done in java - it is obviously harder with XML, but it can be done. The simplest implementation would be to read the XML as DOM, use the DOM-SAX transformer to get things configured ( while preserving the DOM ), and have the MBeans make calls to the Config object to make the aproriate config changes. This would eventually allow replacing the XML with an LDAP ( which would be nice for clustering and farming ), it would preserve comments and all unmanaged elements, and I believe it would be cleaner and easier. Just MHO. Costin -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> For additional commands, e-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>