Pier Fumagalli wrote:
>>pier        02/05/13 17:22:34
>>Modified:    webapp   Makefile.in
>>Added how to invoke ANT from Make (still need to do the clean target)
> All those new things in "configure" have been tested only on MacOS/X, if
> someone gets around to do it before tomorrow evening, I'd like to know if I
> screwed up something on the other systems (J.F., Henri, Punky... Can you
> just run "./configure" with the new options? Make sure you have ANT :)

$ /home/jakarta/jakarta-ant-1.4/bin/ant -version
Apache Ant version 1.5Beta1 compiled on April 30 2002
$ /home/jakarta/jakarta-ant-1.5Beta1/bin/ant -version
Apache Ant version 1.5Beta1 compiled on April 30 2002
jakarta@vtxclere:~ > jakarta-ant-1.3/bin/ant -version
Ant version 1.4 compiled on September 3 2001
Strange no? My 1.3 looks a 1.4 ;-)
And what about the cut?

> We're getting closer and closer to a more-and-more decent autoconf-style
> make... :) And closer to a release! :)
> Time for a nap, tomorrow I won't be reachable until late afternoon (visiting
> a couple of new E4500 just arrived at the colo! :) Woohoo, TOYS!!! )
>     Pier
> --
> I think that it's extremely foolish to name a server after the current U.S.
> President.                                                 B.W. Fitzpatrick
> --
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