On Fri, 17 May 2002, Kin-Man Chung wrote:

> > com.sun.tools.javac.Main doesn't seem to be in JDK1.2.x, and that's the 
> > target platform, isn't it ? 
> > 
> I believe for 4.1.x, it should be 1.3.1 and above.  Like I said, 1.2
> javac is currently unsupported and deprecated in 1.3 and 1.4, and contain
> bugs that are hard to work around.  Can't image people currently using
> jdk1.2 wouldn't want to upgrade.

I believe the target platform is 1.2, not 1.3.1 ( at least acording to 
RUNNING.txt ). I don't remember any vote that changed that.

There are still platforms without a JDK1.3.1 or above. Most free VMs 
are still strugling to support JDK1.2 fully ( gcc or kaffe for example ).
Many productions sites can't upgrade at will. 

> > I think the best solution for javac is to just bundle ant.jar and
> > use it programmatically ( i.e. new Javac(), etc ). The introspection
> > and hacks required to support multiple compilers are just too 
> > ugly  - and they already have good solutions in ant.
> > 
> I'll look into that.  But even if ant.jar is used programmatically,
> eventually it still start another process to invoke javac, right?  Plus
> it's  yet another jar to be bundled with tomcat; do we really want
> that?

Ant doesn't start another process to invoke javac unless you explicitely 
ask for it ( by fork=true ) or use jikes or another native compiler.

Between including 'another jar' that supports most javac compilers and 
changing the code to support only JDK1.3.1 and JDK1.4 compilers - I 
think the choice is pretty simple.


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