costin      02/05/23 09:50:35

  Modified:    jk/native2 build.xml
  Added a target that will build mod_jk using cpptasks from sourceforge.
  This is for experimental purpose only - and to facilitate an integration.
  At this moment thare are major bugs in cpptasks ( libtool doesn't work,
  you have to remove history.xml, etc ), and it won't work with ant1.4
  unless the .jar is in ant/lib. It won't work in ant1.5 unless my patch
  is accepted.
  However it's worth adding it - it's clearly good to have at least a common
  dtd and semantics for compiling the c code, and cpptasks has some usefull
  Don't use the target unless you know what you're doing :-)
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.29      +121 -3    jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/native2/build.xml
  Index: build.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/native2/build.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.28
  retrieving revision 1.29
  diff -u -r1.28 -r1.29
  --- build.xml 22 May 2002 23:40:02 -0000      1.28
  +++ build.xml 23 May 2002 16:50:35 -0000      1.29
  @@ -56,9 +56,11 @@
     <property name="native.dir" location="${jk.src}/native2" />
     <property name="build.dir" location="${}/jk2" />
  +  <property name="cpptask.jar" location="${jk.src}/../lib/cpptasks.jar" />
     <path id="jkant" >
       <pathelement location="${}/lib/jkant.jar"/>
  +    <pathelement location="${cpptask.jar}"/>
     <!-- ==================== Targets ==================== -->
  @@ -69,12 +71,14 @@
     <target name="all" depends="jkant,init,apache20,apache13,jni">
  -  <target name="guess.env" >
  +  <target name="init.taskdef" >
       <taskdef resource="META-INF/ant.tasks" 
             classpathref="jkant" />
  -    <echo message=" ${os.arch}.${}" />
  +  </target>
  +  <target name="guess.env" >
  +    <echo message=" ${os.arch}.${}" />
       <!-- What servers do we have ? -->
       <available property="apache13.detect" 
                  file="${apache13.home}/bin/htpasswd" />
  @@ -110,6 +114,7 @@
       <echo message="Linux:${linux} Win32:${win32} Netware:${netware} 
Solaris:${solaris} HPUX:${hpux}" />
     <target name="init.win32" if="win32" >
  @@ -128,7 +133,7 @@
       <echo message="NDK: ${novellndk.home}" />
  -  <target name="init" depends="guess.env,init.win32,init.netware" >
  +  <target name="init" depends="init.taskdef,guess.env,init.win32,init.netware" >
       <mkdir dir="${build.dir}" />
  @@ -136,6 +141,119 @@
       <ant dir="${jk.src}" target="jkant"/>
  +  <target name="apache20-cpptask" depends="init" if="apache2.detect">
  +    <property name="ant.reuse.loader"  value="true" />
  +    <taskdef resource="cpptasks.tasks" classpathref="jkant" />
  +    <typedef resource="cpptasks.types" classpathref="jkant" />
  +    <property name="apr.include" location="${apache2.home}/include" />
  +    <mkdir dir="${build.dir}/apache2" />
  +    <defineset id="jk2-defs">
  +           <define name="_REENTRANT" />
  +           <define name="CHUNK_SIZE" value="4096" />
  +           <define name="USE_APACHE_MD5" />
  +           <define name="HAS_APR" />
  +           <define name="HAVE_JNI" />
  +           <define name="HPUX11" if="hpux" />
  +           <define name="WIN32" if="win32" />
  +           <define name="_WINDOWS" if="win32" />
  +           <define name="_MBCS" if="win32" />
  +           <define name="_USRDLL" if="win32" />
  +           <define name="MOD_JK2_EXPORTS" if="win32" />
  +    </defineset>
  +    <cc outtype="shared"
  +        subsystem="console"
  +        runtime="dynamic"
  +        objdir="${build.dir}/apache2" 
  +        outfile="${build.dir}/apache2/" >
  +        <compiler name="msvc" if="use.msvc" >
  +        </compiler>
  +        <compiler name="gcc"  
  +                  warnings="diagnostic" 
  +                  debug="true" />
  +        <!-- Do we need this ? 
  +        <linker name="gcc"  
  +                debug="true">
  +        </linker>
  +        -->
  +        <fileset dir="." >
  +          <include name="server/apache2/*.c" />
  +       <include name="common/*.c" />
  +       <include name="jni/*.c" />
  +        </fileset>
  +        <includepath location="${native.dir}/common" />
  +        <includepath location="${native.dir}/include" />
  +        <sysincludepath location="${apache2.include}" />
  +     <sysincludepath location="${apr.include}" />
  +     <sysincludepath location="${apr-util.include}" />
  +     <sysincludepath location="${java.home}/../include" />
  +        <sysincludepath location="${java.home}/../include/linux" if="linux" />
  +        <sysincludepath location="${java.home}/../include/hp-ux" if="hpux" />       
  +        <sysincludepath location="${java.home}/../include/win32" if="win32" />      
  +        <sysincludepath location="${java.home}/../include/solaris" if="solaris" />  
  +        <sysincludepath location="&quot;${mssdk.home}/include&quot;" if="win32"/>
  +        <defineset refid="jk2-defs"/>
  +        <!--
  +        <defineset id="jk2-defs">
  +           <define name="_REENTRANT" />
  +           <define name="CHUNK_SIZE" value="4096" />
  +           <define name="USE_APACHE_MD5" />
  +           <define name="HAS_APR" />
  +           <define name="HAVE_JNI" />
  +           <define name="HPUX11" if="hpux" />
  +           <define name="WIN32" if="win32" />
  +           <define name="_WINDOWS" if="win32" />
  +           <define name="_MBCS" if="win32" />
  +           <define name="_USRDLL" if="win32" />
  +           <define name="MOD_JK2_EXPORTS" if="win32" />
  +        </defineset>
  +        -->
  +        <syslibset libs="libhttpd" if="win32" />
  +        <syslibset libs="libapr" if="win32" />
  +        <syslibset libs="libaprutil" if="win32" />
  +        <!--
  +        <libset libs="libhttpd.lib" if="win32" />
  +        <libset libs="libapr.lib" if="win32" />
  +        <libset libs="libaprutil.lib" if="win32" />
  +         -->
  +        <libset libs="advapi32.lib" if="win32" />
  +        <libset libs="wsock32.lib" if="win32" />
  +        <linkerArg value="/libpath:&quot;${apr.lib}&quot;" if="win32" />
  +        <linkerArg value="/libpath:&quot;${apr-util.lib}&quot;" if="win32" />
  +        <linkerArg value="/libpath:&quot;${apache2.home}/lib&quot;" if="win32" />
  +        <linkerArg value="/libpath:&quot;${mssdk.home}/lib&quot;" if="win32" />
  +        <linkerArg value="/libpath:&quot;${mssdk.home}/../Common/MSDev98/bin&quot;" 
if="win32" />
  +    </cc>
  +    <!-- Missing in cc:
  +          - profile: can be implemented with flags
  +          - depends: can be implemented using ant built-ins
  +          - Netware/MWCC: probably easy to port.
  +         Bugs: 
  +          - libtool doesn't seem to work with multiple files ( easy )
  +          - can't specify as name ( will generate )
  +          - Classpath problems - can't use types if the jar is not in the CP. 
Workaround with
  +            a special <cc-init> task.
  +          - 'history.xml' seems to create major problems ( compile-related ? )
  +     -->
  +  </target>
     <target name="apache20" depends="init" if="apache2.detect">
       <property name="apr.include" location="${apache2.home}/include" />
       <mkdir dir="${build.dir}/apache2" />

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