On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, Kin-Man Chung wrote:

> org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspException seems to be serving no purpose,
> and it conflicts with javax.servlet.jsp.JspException.
> Any objections to my removing it?
> BTW, it also exists in tomcat 4/jasper.

I was just going to ask the same thing :-)

Also - o.a.jasper.core.JasperException - never used ( exept in a logger 
test that can never be true ). 

The Exception handling is a big spaghetti - it would be really great to
clean it up. Separating the runtime exceptions for jasper ( or just using
JspException or ServletException ) and having a separate thing for 
the translator would be nice, but may require some regexp tricks.

Close to exceptions is logging - moving to commons-logging would also 
be a big step forward. 

( I finally got a bit of time to take a look at jasper2 - 
I'll send more comments when I finish but Exceptions and logging are 
probably easy to improve and will clean up a lot )


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