> On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Remy Maucherat wrote:
>>>There are few bugs in jspc, mostly related with the generation of the 
>>>class name and the mangling. 
>>Ooops, sorry, I thought I got it right. At least for the examples 
>>webapp, it did appear to work good. It is quite hard to un-spaghetti the 
>>code without beaking anything :-( What is the problem exactly ? (or 
>>maybe you fixed it already, in which case, just commit the fix :))
> Well, the spaghetti is the problem :-)
> Yes, I fixed it - but I'm afraid I fixed it too much ( i.e. instead
> of just fixing the bug I cut the spaghetti a bit ), and that's 
> why I'm asking for permission :-)

Sure, no problem. JspC has historically been the most broken feature in 
Jasper. So I don't think it can get mush worse ;-)

>>+1. I thought about doing it myself ;-)
>>The goal eventually is to remove the need for having two different 
>>context classes.
> Great. It is actually easy to merge all 3 - by using the 
> JspCServletContext ( the only part that's different
> is the getResource(), etc ). I'll do that.


> Now the next problem - in the process I did few changes to JspC 
> to make it also work as an ant task ( i.e. added setters and I'm 
> in process of un-spaghetti-ing the main method ). I was thinking
> to check it in as JspC2.
> The issue is that JspC2 may loose some of the options - 
> I think it's more important to get consistent and predictible
> behavior, and I'm lost in how some options may work togheter.

Great idea, but I don't see a lot worth keeping in the old one if the 
new one actually works (less options, but which actually work = good). 
So I would remove the old one. If there's a need, we can always 
resurrect it from CVS.


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