Remy Maucherat wrote:

> For the transaction stuff to work properly, don't you need a valve also
> to bind/unbind the Tyrex context ?

Hmm, not sure exactly what you mean here (sorry :-).  I think you are referring
to the fact
that the transaction is bound to the current thread, and what if the transaction
is needed in
a different thread?

> Or is this only needed if you would want your transaction to last more
> than one request ?

Is this even something that should happen?  Beginning a transaction, and then
not closing
it until some other request happens, whenever that may be?  I don't see how this
ever be a good idea.

Any transaction "in the system" can be retrieved from the transaction manager,
by calling
getTransaction( xid ) -- but I'm still not sure you could retrieve the
transaction across requests --
since the only information available when looking up the UserTransaction is
whatever is passed
to getObjectInstance, I don't think this is possible, and a valve couldn't help
in this case.

Then again, maybe I totally misunderstood. :-)

> I'm +1 for the patch. We'll need to add detailed instructions on how to
> use it. Also, the JARs won't ship with Tomcat (it's just too much).

As soon as this gets finalized, then I can work up a short HOWTO or something.


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