On Sunday 30 June 2002 7:32 pm, Peter Lin wrote:
> --- John Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello.
> >
> > I'm am trying to write a Valve, very much like
> > SingleSignOn but for our
> > authetnication system that uses more than just a
> > username and password. I
> > want my Valve to pass login information from one
> > Session to another when a
> > user uses different webapps (Contexts).
> >
> > I am nearly there codewise, but have a small
> > problem. I do not seem to be able
> > to get the session from the request! I've tried
> > calling request.getSession()
> > and request.getSession(true) yet both return null.
> > It's hardly worth pasting,
> > but:
> >
> > public void invoke(Request request, Response
> > response, ValveContext context)
> >     throws IOException, ServletException
> > {
> >     System.out.println(
> > ((HttpRequest)request).getSession(true) );
> >
> > Will always print null.
> Shouldn't you be using this instead?
> (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
> response, ValveContext context)

Err, the inteface Valve clearly defines:

public void invoke(Request request, Response response, ValveContext context)
        throws IOException, ServletException;

> Also, why are you casting HttpSession to HttpRequest?

I'm not, I'm casting request to HttpRequest so I can call getSession. I did 
cut some of my code but I do check to make sure request can be casted.

See org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticationBase and the method 
getSession(HttpRequest request, boolean create);

as this gives a clear example of what I'm trying to do. yet it doesnt work for 


John Baker, BSc CS.
Java Developer, TEAM Slb. (http://www.teamenergy.com/)
The views expressed in this mail are my own.

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