On Tue, 2002-07-02 at 15:47, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Remy: I just fixed one serious bug in jk2/java ( the one reported by 
> David Oxley ). I think we need a 4.1.7 for that ( and possibly other
> bug fixes ). We are pretty close IMHO.
> Henri: what about tagging the workspace for mod_jk1 with 1.2.0, 
> and use the same naming convention as in 4.1.x.
> Nacho, Mladen: same thing for mod_jk2 - we should use the 'milestone'
> style, and mod_jk2.0.0 will be the first tagged milestone. There is
> no need for anything fancy - it's just an alpha release.
> I think we should try to synchronize a bit - and maybe tag jk1.2.0 
> and jk2.0.0 at the same time with 4.1.7.  

For what it is worth, here are two patches (not pretty) to get the
tomcat 4.1.6-LE-jdk1.4 to compile with the struts-1.1-b1.  Don't know if
you want this for 4.1 final.

--- jakarta-tomcat-4.1.6-LE-jdk14-src/webapps/admin/build.xml~  Fri Jun
28 11:03:48 2002
+++ jakarta-tomcat-4.1.6-LE-jdk14-src/webapps/admin/build.xml   Sat Jun 29
17:27:13 2002
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
     <pathelement location="${jmx.jar}"/>
     <pathelement location="${servlet.jar}"/>
     <pathelement location="${struts.jar}"/>
+    <pathelement location="${commons-beanutils.jar}"/>
@@ -140,6 +141,7 @@
   <!-- ======================== BUILD: Copy JARs
========================== -->
   <target name="copy-struts.jar" if="struts.present">
     <copy todir="${webapps.build}/${webapp.name}/WEB-INF/lib"
+    <copy todir="${webapps.build}/${webapp.name}/WEB-INF/lib"
     <copy todir="${webapps.build}/${webapp.name}/WEB-INF"
     <copy todir="${webapps.build}/${webapp.name}/WEB-INF"
     <copy todir="${webapps.build}/${webapp.name}/WEB-INF"

      Fri Jun 28 11:03:48 2002
       Sat Jun 29 17:07:50 2002
@@ -70,8 +70,7 @@
 import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter;
 import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext;
 import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport;
-import org.apache.struts.util.PropertyUtils;
+import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils;
  * Custom tag that retrieves a JMX MBean attribute value, and writes it

Brian Millett                    
Enterprise Consulting Group   "Shifts in paradigms
(314) 205-9030               often cause nose bleeds."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           Greg Glenn

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