Without wishing to throw a spanner in the works :) I would like to point 
out that we still have not been able to successfully build mod_jk, nor 
make it work with the FreeBSD 4.x, Apache 2 and Tomcat 4.0.4 configuration.

We have, however set aside a full time resource dealing with this issue 
in-house - however, the developer is not an expert, though is making 
some progress.

Should we register as a comitter? We have already submitted a couple of 
patches that Henry Gomez has kindly commited.

Just thought we'd let you know!

Henri Gomez wrote:
> Quoting Mike Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Mike, happy to see you here again ;)
>>Now that Apache 2.0 has been released, when/how should we deliver the
>>mod_jk plugin (the 1.2.0 version from jtc) for Apache 2.0.  Since the
>>magic number changes between builds, we can't put a version out there
>>that will work with all possible versions.  Should we just try and keep
>>up with the current Apache 2.0 (currently 2.0.39)?  Should we update all
>>of the possible tomcat releases (currently 3.2.4, 3.3.1, 4.0.4, 4.1.7
>>Beta) when Apache updates? I'm just starting to get a lot of requests
>>for a posted binary for NetWare and wondered what the general concensus
>>was.  I checked, and the only Apache 2.0 binary that I could find was
>>for Linux and I'm not even sure which version of 2.0 it is supposed to
>>work with.
> FYI, mod_jk 1.2.0 was planned for release some weeks again and I was promoted as
> Release Manager. Some problems have prevented me to make that release in July.
> Part of the problems are now solved, but I'll be in holidays for 3 weeks so the
> release is now scheduled for late August.
> mod_jk 1.2.0 is stable, build is easy via configure/make and there is no
> blocking bugs reported. The only limitation is the mod_dir support, see mails
> from Bojan but I'm sure they will be fixed during the next 3 weeks.
> We also need you to check for Netware compatibility.
> There is Linux version of Apache 2.0.39 in RPM format at falsehope.com :
> http://ftp.falsehope.com/home/gomez/apache2/
> Also I recommand stick with the latest Apache 2.0 release, 2.0.39.
> We'll upload mod_jk 1.2.0 binaries to :
> http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/release/v1.2.0/
> And add this URL to tomcat 3.2.x, 3.3.x, 4.0.x and 4.1.x documentations.
> See you all in 3 weeks
> --
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