On Sun, 4 Aug 2002, Patrick Luby wrote:

> Bob,
> Bob Herrmann wrote:
> > $ sed -e
> > 's/^base.path=\/usr\/local$/base.path=\/home\/test\/tc5\/dependson/'
> > build.properties.default > t
> > $ mv t build.properties.default 
> You don't want to replace build.properties.default. Instead you want to 
> put your customized file in build.properties. That way, if 
> build.properties.default changes, you will know. Also, using 
> build.properties prevents accidental commits to build.properties.default.

Another sugestion ( see my commit ) - just create a ~/build.properties
and use it to override base.path.

That means: 

( and nothing else - unless you have some other overrides to make ).

No need to copy the whole file or do any file modifications.


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