Jean-francois Arcand wrote:
>> There are several possible use cases, and I think we should try to
>> provide options to support each one.
>> Regardless of the startup timing, in all cases no request will
>> be served from an webapp until all initialization is done, including
>> load on startup servlets. There are 2 options here:
>> 1. Wait. The request will be delayed until the initialization completes.
>>    The user will just see a slow request.
>> 2. 503. A response page with 'application is temporarily unavilable' or
>>  'starting' or 'refreshing' - eventually with a meta reload.
>> There are several options for how to load:
>> 1. load-on-startup, serial ( maybe with ordering). That's the current 
>> situation. All webapps declared in server.xml are loaded in the defined
>> order - and if we move to separate .xmls for each webapp in webapps,
>> we can add an 'sequence' option and require it to be loaded sequencialy
>> and before the server port is started.
>> 2. load-on-startup, parallel. That's very usefull if we have many 
>> applications and will speed up the startup. The server port will
>> begin accepting connections after all apps with load-on-startup are
>> loaded.
>> 3. load-on-startup, delayed. For some applications it may be usefull
>> to not delay the start of the server - the startup will be done in 
>> background and no request for it will be served until the app is ready.
>> 4. load-on-demand. The context will be initialized when the first 
>> request for that context is received. That is the only reasonable 
>> choice if you have many ( 50+ ? ) small webapps ( say a hosting env ).
>> I don't see this as a big priority, but nice to have. I'll implement
>> the 'load-on-startup, parallel' as soon as I figure how to do the
>> thread binding and find the time.
>> For example, the admin/ app can be very well loaded on demand or 
>> delayed - and same for any app that is not 'critical'.
> Actually, implementing the xml validation on/off mechanism, admin/ is 
> _the_ reason why Tomcat is slow at startup.

I know, at it is the only major difference between TC 4.0 and 4.1 in the 
startup time. The new Beanutils 1.4.1 also fixes a performance bug which 
could help things big time (and right on time before the 4.1 release).

> There is a lot of xml files 
> to parse/validate in that I'm +1 to load on demand and 
> set validation to false :-)

Cool :)

I'm sooo tempted to try to port that for 4.1.10, but this is bad as it 
greatly affects the behavior of Tomcat. Maybe it would be best to leave 
it for a major release. Or it could be ported, by we'd have to default 
to always validate.

> I know it may involve a lot of work, but It might be nice to  have an 
> option in server.xml that configure the "web-app startup" mode?

Implementing them all would be painful IMO ;-)


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