Bill Barker wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 9:21 PM
> Subject: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat/src/shell tomcat.bat
>> billbarker    2002/09/18 21:21:17
>>   Modified:    src/shell tomcat.bat
>>   Log:
>>   Temporary stop-gap until I work out all of the ClassLoader issues.
> Ok, there are a couple of options here:
> 1) Add a Class-Path to the Manifest (and make a comment in the release
> notes for people using Java 1.1.x).
> 2) Revert o.a.t.u.compat.* and o.a.t.u.depend.* to using System.err
> instead of c-l, since they are loaded in the System ClassLoader when
> running from the scripts.
> 3) Re-implement the required methods from o.a.t.u.compat.* in
> o.a.t.startup.Main so that we can leave o.a.t.u.depend.* and
> o.a.t.u.compat.* out of the jar.
> My personal choices are in order, 3-1-2.  However 1 is the easiest, and
> seems to be in the direction that the proposals are heading.
> Opinions (Larry/Costin)?

I used to like a lot (1), however I've been bitten few times. I still
think it is a good solution, but with a lot of care.

(2) is very easy to implement, and can solve the problem.

The big question is: do we want to keep the very small/minimal parent
loader - with commons-logging-api in the container loader ? 
BTW, I'm not sure what was the original problem you are trying 
to solve. I have a lot of mail to sort through, I would apreciate 
some more context info :-)


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