Oliver Wulff wrote:
> Hi
> I use Tomcat 4.10.
> When I want to show the available roles the ListRolesAction has to be
> called. I guess that it will be called twice.
> Here is a snippet of org.apache.webapp.admin.users.UsersTreeBuilder:
> ...
> TreeControlNode roles = new TreeControlNode
>             ("Global Administer Roles",
>              "Roles.gif",
>              resources.getMessage("users.treeBuilder.rolesNode"),
>              "users/listRoles.do?databaseName=" +
>              URLEncoder.encode(databaseName) +
>              "&forward=" +
>              URLEncoder.encode("Roles List Setup"),
>              "content",
>              false);
> ...
> and a snippet of the struts-config.xml:
> ...
> <forward        name="Roles List"
>                     path="/users/listRoles.jsp"
>                 redirect="false"/>
>     <forward        name="Roles List Setup"
>                     path="/users/listRoles.do?forward=Roles+List"
>                 redirect="false"/>
> ...
> As you can see from the source code the request will be dispatched to
> "Roles List Setup" which is again listRoles.do.
> Does that make sense?
> It still works if I define the "Roles List Setup" like this:
> <forward        name="Roles List Setup"
>                     path="/users/listRoles.jsp"
>                 redirect="false"/>

This is the same as the above "Roles List Setup" definition since 
listRoles.do?forward=Roles+List calls listRoles.jsp.  So it doesn't 
matter whether you use forward "Roles List" or to call directly 
listRoles.jsp since "Roles List" forwards to listRoles.jsp.


> Regards
> Oliver
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