Jean-Francois Arcand wrote:
> Hi,
> with Tomcat 4.1.12, Xerces 2.2 is throwing the following exception:
> org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The string "--" is not permitted within 
> comments.
>    at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
> This is a bug in the org.apache.struts.digester.Digester class. If you 
> uses Struts 1.1 beta 2 jar file, the bug will not happen. Xerces 2.2 
> generates a lot of Warnings and the Digester version of Struts 1.0.2 
> logs an exception instead of a warning. This has been corrected in the 
> current Digester (1.3) we are using.
> So we have to decide which combinaison we want to support with 4.1.x:
> Xerces 2.1 + Struts 1.0.2
> or
> Xerces 2.2 + Struts 1.1b2

For 4.1.x, I'll definitely package the stable releases (X 2.1 + S 1.0.x).
For 5.0.0, I'll package S 1.1 beta + X 2.2 (nice explanation).

(I still plan to tag 5.0.0 this week, as it's been relatively stable for 
some time now)


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