I am a new subscriber and have a potential patch to mod_jk. It uses the apache api to get the s->servername value. This has a benefit in that is pays attention to the UseCanonicalName setting within apache. So if a site has lots of ServerAlias entries only 1 entry in server.xml is needed if UseCanonicalName is on for that VirtualHost.
The patch was against the jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.12 source I downloaded and I have tested it with Apache/1.3.26 and Tomcat 3.2.3 in a virtual hosted situation with some vhosts enabled via UseCanonicalName and some not. Comments welcome, it seems to work fine.

--- mod_jk.c.orig Thu Oct 17 18:06:21 2002
+++ mod_jk.c Thu Oct 17 18:07:06 2002
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@
s->remote_host = NULL_FOR_EMPTY(s->remote_host);

s->remote_addr = NULL_FOR_EMPTY(r->connection->remote_ip);
- s->server_name = (char *)(r->hostname ? r->hostname : r->server-

+    s->server_name  = ap_get_server_name(r);

     s->server_port     = htons( r->connection->local_addr.sin_port );
     s->server_software = (char *)ap_get_server_version();
It's seems correct. JF, Mladen what do you think ?

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