[reposting from my subscribed account]

For what it's worth, I'm not disagreeing that there needs to be 
another list.  Clearly, really serious security issues should at
least be delayed from being made public.  However, I think there 
needs to be a bit more paranoia about how this list manifests 

Any "behind closed doors" discussions have the potential for alienating
the non-committer community.  Determining what conversations are 
appropriate for this other list is a very slippery slope.  It's 
already been proposed that votes for new committers be discussed there 
first.  What's next?  And if the other list starts being used for 
determining what should be discussed on the other list, it's all 
over.  Sort of like the U.S. congress being in charge of their own 
pay raises.

As a non-committer but long-time subscriber to this list, my opinion
is that _all_ messages on "the other" list must absolutely show up
here eventually, at some delay.  Otherwise, there is no longer any
transparency.  (This is also the biggest reason it's better than
CCed e-mails; because the messages will always be public at some

Anyway, just my non-binding $0.02,

"Ignacio J. Ortega" wrote:
> > From: Paul Speed [mailto:pspeed@;progeeks.com]
> > Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 4:15 PM
> > The nice thing about your current way of dicussing security issues
> > (CC e-mail threads) is that it's a real pain in the butt.  In other
> > words, likely only to be used in the cases of necessity.
> Not really, CC'ed threads are easy to manage simply reply to all and
> things goes smoothly, the problem the new mail list tries to solve, is
> much more simple, Are those how can fix and are interested in the
> problem, informed quickly? are those interested not forgotten in some
> part of the eamil theread? are part of the thread more private than
> intended only because some people unadvertely forgotten some other
> fellow email in the CC?.. all of that can be alleviated if not solved
> simply by using a closed maillist..
> Fixes are ever public, and CVs comments are more than sufficient to see
> the problem and the fix being done.. so the open end of all threads in
> the new list is guaranteed now..
> Saludos,
> Ignacio J. Ortega
> --
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