----- Original Message -----
From: "Remy Maucherat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 1:17 AM
Subject: Re: Bug 13736

> Bill Barker wrote:
> > I don't remember anything like that for 3.3.x (and nothing even close is
> > open in BZ).  But, then again, I don't imagine that very many people
> > try and
> > use the Http10Connector in production, and Coyote is only available in
> > nightly for 3.3 until 3.3.2 comes out.
> >
> > o.a.t.u.net.PoolTcpEndpoint won't close the ServerSocket itself without
> > shutting down.  It looks like the root cause is from the JVM, nio, O/S,
> > some other place we can't see.
> (forwarding to tomcat-dev)
> Ok, I looked at it more, and the TCP endpoint code considers an
> exception during accept a normal event:
>  From PoolTcpEndpoint:
>       try {
>          if (running) {
> ....
>         accepted = factory.acceptSocket(serverSocket);
> ....
> catch (SocketException e) {
>     // TCP stacks can throw SocketExceptions when the client
>     // disconnects.  We don't want this to shut down the
>     // endpoint, so ignore it. Is there a more robust
>     // solution?  Should we compare the message string to
>     // "Connection reset by peer"?
>     // socket exceptions just after closing endpoint (when
>     // running=false) aren't even logged
>          if (running != false) {
> String msg = sm.getString("endpoint.err.nonfatal",
>   serverSocket, e);
> log(msg, e, Log.INFORMATION);
>          }
>      }
> OTOH, I don't think this should be the case, and I think we should
> stop/start the server socket in that particular case, as was done in the
> old HTTP connector:
>              try {
>                  socket = serverSocket.accept();
> ....
>              } catch (IOException e) {
>                  try {
>                      // If reopening fails, exit
>                      synchronized (threadSync) {
>                          if (started && !stopped)
>                              log("accept error: ", e);
>                          if (!stopped) {
>                              serverSocket.close();
>                              serverSocket = open();
>                          }
>                      }
> ....
> The root of the problem could be a defiency in the JVM's network code,
> but IMO this shouldn't kill the connector.

+1.  As I said above, it probably hasn't shown up in 3.3 mostly because
AJP13 has many fewer accepts.

> Remy
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