I've been looking at the code for this class and noticed that the scheme
for growing the buffer
size is pretty inefficient.  Basically it has an 8K buffer and when that
buffer is exceeded, it
allocates a new buffer 8K bigger and arraycopy's the old buffer into it.
In a tag with a large body
(say half a meg or so) this results in a lot of unnecessary heap growth,
garbage collection, and
waaay too many arraycopies.  In some version I've seen code which double's
the buffer size with
each growth, which is more efficient, but potentially more wasteful of
memory as well.

This seems like a perfect job for an object pool of pages which can be
allocated to the buffer and then returned to the pool when no longer
needed.  The number of buffers
needed can be quite high, but they are very transient.  In most cases, the
lifetime of the tag is much less
than a second, so pages would get returned to the pool quickly.  This would
eliminate all the garbage collection
and arraycopies.

I think it would then be reasonable to make the buffer size quite a lot
smaller, say 512 bytes, or 1K,
which would cover the case of tags with very short body content more
efficiently as well.

The only thing I'm not sure about is knowing when it's safe to return the
pages to the pool - it seems like
it could be done at the end of writeOut(), but I'm not sure if there are
any wierd situations where writeOut could
get called more than once.

If nobody sees any obvious problems with this scheme, I'll undertake to try
it out and provide a patch for it.
This code hasn't changed signifigantly since Tomcat 3.2, so it could be
refitted in all the versions quite easily.

-- Rob

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