As a user, I agree with Hans Bergsten's comments on the bug database.

Being able to deploy a single war file with all precompiled JSP's to
webapp directory is a very useful feature. It would be bad for us if we
able to do that any longer. (Only thing to remember is to use the
correct Jasper 

So I'm against the proposal. 

+1 [ ] Remove the options
-1 [ X] Do not remove the options

-- Sebastian

Sebastian Millies, IDS Scheer AG
Postfach 10 15 34, 66015 Saarbrücken
Zimmer 2.34,   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
fon +49-681-210-3221, fax +49-681-210-1311 
Public Key Fingerprint:
5C70 3E4D 7A13 A9E4 D794 04F4 C80B 34FD 8796 1C50

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